City once notorious globally for its thick blanket of smog now outperforms San Francisco, Melbourne, Paris and Berlin.


Bangkok, Thailand – It’s the sort of statistic that will make most long-term residents of this city sit up and do a double take.

In a comparison of air quality in popular tourist destinations, the Big Mango – as the Thai capital is often called – was found to have the best air quality of them all.

The city can be expected to comfortably outrank fume factories such as Beijing and Delhi.

But what’s surprising about this ranking is that Bangkok – once notorious globally for its thick blanket of smog – now outperforms San Francisco, Melbourne, Paris and Berlin.

The change didn’t take place overnight. Instead, it was the result of a concerted, coordinated effort by the city authorities and international organisations such as the World Bank.

(Al Jazeera 11.12 2016)